Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Splish Splash!

Samuel went swimming few weeks back... ok, not really swimming in a pool, but a BIG tub! Hehehe!
Wonder if he had fun and when would we go again?! :P heheheh

Monday, December 7, 2009

Venturing Out

We've started venturing out with the little man. :)
its nice to see him wide-eyed while we are out. staring at the light n colors around him.
We think he likes being out, coz he fusses less.

Anyway, we went to Centerpoint over the weekend and it was also the first time mummy m nursed sam outside. Rather impressed with the baby room there, which is on the 3rd floor. (They also have another on the 6th floor.) the nursing room is separated with a folding door and has cushioned seats on both sides which can seat about 4 moms.

Outside was the changing area which had about 5 cushioned stations, each with its own bin. A sink n hot water are also available. Also a bench for the waiting daddies.

The place was nice, clean and quiet, but it was a tad bit too cold.
This certainly puts Centerpoint on our 'malls to go to' list now :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

2nd month

Hello here i am in the romper from my auntie michelle! it fits much better now :)

cute outfit

Thanks auntie corinne for the cute outfit!

Friday, November 13, 2009

D is for diaper

After trying out different brands of diapers, we've settled on this.
So far its been really good, managing to hold in sammy's poopie heaps :P
Best part is the free delivery right to our door step!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm one month old!

"Hi there everyone!"
The little guy turned one month old a few days ago.
Time passes rather fast doesn't it?

Mami M and Dadi D are officially 'panda parents'! @_@
Those 3 hourly feeds and diaper changes are responsible for it.
Oh those days of sleeping in till 10am are greatly missed!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Presents from aunty Michelle

Samuel's first few presents are from his dear aunty Michelle.
A lovely handmade quilt came in the mail for him, all the way from Melbourne. (of coz he's too small to open his own mail, so he got some help from Mammy M.:P)
Awww, its so pretty that I can't bear to use it in case the lil poo monster dirties it!

And here's Samuel in his cute romper... well its a little big for him, but he still looks cute! :P Thanks Aunty Michelle!!
(BTW, he soiled it with pee while at on a visit to the pediatrician!)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Record

A new record at the pump today! Moooooo....!! =P

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Dreams!

Yesterday was Day 9 of Samuel being in the NICU and i caught a precious and priceless cute smile from him while he was asleep. Awwww.... =)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Dancing Samuel

Here's a clip of little Samuel doing some dance moves while in bed.
He's still cheery despite the drip tube tied to his hand. :)
What a strong little boy!
*kiss kiss*

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Baby popped out on 16th sept in the wee hours of the morning.
I had been having contractions for the past few days and it was getting bad to worse!
On Tuesday night, t got real bad and Mami M was telling Dadi D that this might be the day! (coz the pain was really bad :()

So on early wednesday morning, we decided to head to the hospital when the contractions got closer together and way more intense. Somehow managed to hobble to the car but not before stopping 2-3 times along the way. Phew!!

Got to the hospital at 5+am and was told that I was already dilated till about 6cm! Yikes! The nurses asked if I was thinking of giving birth at home coz they felt I was in a little late. A quick check and BB was still breached so I was mentally prepared that when Doc O came, I'd be going for a c-section. :S

So yes, I ended up being cut up... :S and BB was out in a quick flash. Everything happened so fast. BB Samuel weighed 2.1kg at birth (he had just reached 37weeks) and was 45cm long. :)
Phew! another new journey begins now....

Monday, September 14, 2009


Seems like BB is excited to make a grand entrance and may be coming out earlier than expected! Doc Ong says it could be any of these few days now, which is a little scary but exciting. Not sure if we're all ready yet... hmm...
Dadi D thought The Day would be today and started making preparations and packing his bag and all.
Mami M is now having contractions every night :( and that's 2 nights already.
At least she got to spend her birthday before popping though!
Wwaa tonight will be another painful night... :( not looking forward to it.

Oh BB, dun keep surprising us leh! And if you want to come out, you got to turn first pls!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 36

We've moved into week 36!
At our last visit baby was 1.9kg. A slight improvement in weight there :)

And we're left with 22 days! Golly!! That's probably going to pass in a flash...
The C-section date has been set for Sept 30th.
We had wanted 1st October, (Children's Day! :)) but, hahaha, i think many other are thinking the same and it seems Doc Ong is having a busy day that day already, so we decided to settle for a day earlier.

Not sure if I'm excited, worried or what.. hahaha, maybe I'm just confused??
What have i left out? Have I gotten everything I need? So much thoughts popping about in my head.
And of course, the big question.... Baby...are you going to turn??? :P
Come on! Dun keep me guessing like this... the suspense is killing me!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 35

We're into week 35 now!
This lil bump, hmmm is not so little anymore.

At out last visit to the gynae he weighed 1.6kg, and I think he'll probably be heavier when we go for our next visit this Friday.
Been experiencing lotsa Braxton Hicks contractions lately and they kind of contort my tummy into funny shapes. Hehehe... luckily they dun really hurt much. :P

Oh and did anyone mention about the length of the shopping list for a little bump?!
Oh golly, there's like an endless list of things to get!
Just when you thought you're done, there'll be some other new item that pops up again!
Baby's cot, car seat, sterilizer, clothing, toiletries.... blah, blah, blah... the list just doesn't seem to end!

Oh and many thanks to Aunty Sharon, Aunty Evelyn and Uncle Justin for the lovely car seat!! Now someone lil lump will finally have his own little orange seat in the car! :)

We've got a few weeks left to finish up shopping!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ice cream for baby!

Well, maybe Mami M can't have ice cream, but who says baby can't! :P

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pineapple booties

I just had to make these Pineapple booties! :D
They took quite a bit of time, but i like the final product! :)

WEEK 31: I like music!

The little bump is not so little anymore now.
At week 31, he's getting heavier and also more active.
Oh and also not forgetting the contractions that occasionally 'attack' Mami M, contorting her tummy to funny shapes!! OOowww... :(

Lately, The bump likes listening to music :)
just place some earphones at the belly and you'll see little bumps.
Hehe... grooving to the beat? :)
I hope there's enough space in there for a little dance or two!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

bye bye sweets stuff... hello bland diet!

Yes, the GD test results came back, and it wasn't what we were looking forward to at all!
Sigh, no more sweet treats... no more munchies for us! :( boohoo! How bad is that!!

We're now placed on a no sugar diet with fixed meal times.
6 small meals a day. Hmmm , no i mean 6 bland small meals a day. hah!
Goodbye sugar, hello whole grains! bleah!
I'm sure if the bump could, he'd protest with banners and all! hehehe.
No more sugar high kicks and dances for him :P

Oh well, one good things is that maybe I will put on less weight and get back to pre-preggers state faster! :P

Meanwhile, those 'SWEET memories' will be swimming in my head!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Scan Attempt 2! Failed (again!!!)

We went for our Gynae visit on Wednesday for the dreaded Gestational Diabetes test.
Had to fast after 12am so that meant an earlier supper, which also meant that I would most probably get woken up in the middle of the night with a hungry and angry bump, demanding food.

Tried to sleep and drink more water to fill up the tummy, but of course by morning and on the way to the clinic, the little fellow in there was demanding some food... but got only water instead. Hurhur.

I was more worried about how the blood test would go, having previous bad experience with nurses not finding my vein and having to be poked multiple times. :(
But thank goodness, the nurse that day was a bright and chirpy lady who had no problems at all! :) so all went well. Phew!!! The glucose drink tasted like 7-up, which wasn't all too bad either. But i was still an hour away from food!

So of course by the time we tried our luck at the scan again, some bump was probably not in any mood to say hi. All curled up and asleep... (probably starving.. heheh ) once again, no glimpse of a face! haha, just a head and one sleepy baby. No amount of prodding by the doc would wake him! Ha! So, we'll have to try AGAIN at the next visit in 2 weeks time!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Booties #3!

What better way to use up left over bits of felt than to make them into dots! :)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 26

Wooo, in a flash we're at week 26 already!
How time flies...

Think i sort of miss the smooth sailing 2nd trimester, with the peaceful nights!
Now that we're into the 3rd trimester, the heartburn, late night toilet trips and hunger pangs from trimester 1 are back again! :( Haiz, these I can definitely do without!!
Will be going for my blood sugar test soon, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be ok. And I hope this time someone says hi when we attempt the 4D scan again! :P

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Booties for Roxie's BB Titus

This little pair of red booties are going out to baby Titus! :)
Hope that Mummy Roxie will like them and that they will fit well! ;P

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Baby booties 2

Booties number 2! :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Detailed Scan

Went for our detailed scan on Monday... it also included a 4D scan.
The doc scanned and measured all the vital organs and everything is going well so far and all the bump's little organs are where they should be. :)
The bump now weigh's roughly about 500g.
We saw a little hand waving slightly, but when the Doc tried the 4D scan, the bump was facing downwards, covering his ears... refusing to turn around. Shy maybe?? HAHAHA... so we'll just have to try our luck again at the next visit when Mummy M goes to get her blood sugar tested.
We hope someone will flip over this time and say hi! :)

Rattle rattle

Made a rattle last week... not very pleased with this and think I'll make another attempt at it. :P

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week 23

We're a few days into week 23 now and according to Babycenter, the bump now weighs about as much as a large mango -- just over a pound. (Length: more than 11 inches.)
We've been having more movements this week, and I read that some of it may actually be due to hiccups! hehe...
Come to think of it, those little knocks and kicks are felt mostly when I'm getting into bed. Oh dear, I really hope this little bump is not going to be an active night bird when he's out, or we'll be in for a bumpy ride!! :S

Meanwhile... I'm toying on several ideas of what to make next... :)
Any suggestions??

Monday, June 8, 2009

Booties no. 1

Just finished the first pair of felt booties! :)
Well, I'm quite pleased with the finished product.
More to come! :D

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ta-dah!! Its done!!

Managed to complete the bunny carrot mobile yesterday!

I found a nicely cut piece of recycled corrugated board (from my mario karts wii packaging) and thought it would make a perfect top for a cot mobile!
With some paints, string and wool later...
here it is... in all its fuzzy glory! :P

Now, on to some felt booties! :D

Monday, June 1, 2009

Keep guessing!

More progress today! Hehehe... Oh oh... what can this be??

Of taps, kicks and knocks

Hello?? is it bob the builder or woody woodpecker in there?
The taps, knocks and kicks are getting more frequent and sometimes they keep me awake at night. :(
The other day I got the first big kick, where it was visible on the outside of the tummy... a little bump that pops out as fast as it disappears! :)
When in a good mood, sometimes the bump may kick on demand... tap 3 times and a kick is returned. Not sure if that's a foot or a hand though.
Yesterday I noticed that these are more frequent especially after I've eaten something sweet... hehehe, I guess the bump's got a sweet tooth! (like me!! :P)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Stay tuned!!

Hmm what's this?
hehehe, well, stay tuned to find out! :D

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hello there! :)

I've finally got round to starting a brand new blog to document our bump's development, so here's post number 1 for The Growing Bump! :)
We have yet to decide on a name yet, so for now, we'll call it either bump, bean or just baby till we settle on a nice name. We've got some nice contenders on the baby name list, but we'll come to that in a later post.
Today is week 21 and we're nicely into the 2nd trimester.
(Ok, in case you are wondering why this documentation is starting only now, you see, Mummy M and Daddy D are lazy people! hehe :P But I'll fill you in on recaps as we go along!!)

Some info about the bump:

a) Its a boy
b) who's due in October
c) and this week he's the length of a carrot and weighs around 340grams!

We've come from poppy seed to carrot!!

Quite a lot of growing there for a little bump! :)